About US.
The thought of a parade honoring Veterans in San Antonio was born out of love to our city’s military veterans and its rich military heritage. The first parade on November 18, 2000, with only a handful of participants, has grown to almost 250 Entries and national attention. With each year, the parade grows in participants, entries, length and acclaim.
The events of September 11, 2001, certainly, brought forth a renewed and more dedicated move to keep our active military and veterans in our hearts and minds. San Antonio’s Chamber of Commerce has declared “Celebrate America’s Military” (CAM) Week and the U.S. Military Veterans Parade Association adds to that celebration with our salute to all veterans.
Spearheading this annual event is the U.S. Military Veterans Parade Association with its proud theme of “Veterans and Community - United”, which hails to the core of its existence and purpose.
Our goal is to present a Veterans Parade that all can point to as the crowning jewel for Celebrate America’s Military Week in San Antonio, Texas.
Join us in lining the downtown streets and waving your American flag, showing your pride as you honor those veterans, past and present, who so unselfishly served or serve to defend our freedom in our great Nation - under God, and the freedom of others around the world.